The Sticks & Stones: A Fresh Foundation

Via: éS Europe

In late May 2010, the well-established skateshoe company éS took their skate team to Europe for a two-week tour known as "To Europe With Love" . éS was able to compile a collection of footage from that tour into two videos. The éS team visited cities like London, England; Bordeaux, France; and Bilbao, Spain. The video featured the team, that included skate pros like John Rattay, Kellen James,  Bobby Worrest, and Mike Anderson, tearing it up throughout Europe's urban landscapes. Part one of the video is above while the part two and the full list of the éS team is after the jump...

DREW's Note: The tour videos were shot beautifully. The clarity plus the European surroundings gives it an artsy feel to the videos. As for the team, they obviously ripped it. I mean how can you not rip it when you have skaters like Kellen James and Mike Anderson.
éS Skate Team: Mike Anderson, Justin Eldridge, Kellen James, Josh Matthews, Rick McCormick, Jimmy McDonald, Ben Raemers, John Rattay, Kevin Terpening, Bobby Worrest, Mark Frolick, Nicky Howells, Ricardo Paterno, Gauthier Rouger, Javier Sarmiento, John Tanner and Christian Vannella

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